2023: End-of-Life Decisions for Animals
- End of life care for dogs and cats: Decision-making and options – Dr. Peter Foley
- Animal welfare at the end of life: Decision-making and communications – Dr. Patricia V. Turner
- Welfare implications of end-of-life options for farm animals – Dr. Michael Cockram
- Empathic care in dying – Dr. Mitchell Carr and Dr. Katie MacDonald
- When quality of life scales aren’t enough: Counselling clients who can’t let go – Dr. Lianna Titcombe

2022: The Welfare of Reptiles and Amphibians
- Cold-blooded care: Understanding the needs of captive reptiles – Dr. Anna Wilkinson
- Cold-blooded cognition – Dr. Anna Wilkinson
- Pathogens, pet-trade, and policy: Reptile and amphibian welfare in the UK – Dr. Jon Bielby
- Assessing reptile welfare in clinical practice – Dr. Lara Cusack
- Pathology of diseases in reptiles and amphibians – Dr. Shannon Martinson
- Resources for the veterinary community – Paige Mitchell, AVC Class of 2025

2021: Animal Abuse and Neglect
- The Violence Link: Breaking the Cycle – Inspector L. Hadfield
- Recent advances in animal cruelty investigations in Canada & Assessing animal suffering – Dr. R. Ledger
- Veterinary response to suspected animal abuse and neglect – Drs. A. Crook and C. Sanford
- Exotic animal abuse and neglect – Dr. L. Cusack
- Animal Welfare in Practice: Companion Animals – APO M. Gilbertson
- Equine Welfare & The Equine Code of Practice – Dr. K. MacMillan
- Additional resource reference: Effective veterinary response to animal abuse – Dr. A. Crook

2019: Dairy Cow Welfare Assessment
- K Proudfoot: On-farm welfare assessment – How do we know if dairy cows have good welfare?
- N Douglas: proAction—Current cow welfare assessment on farm
- S McKenna: The role of the NFACC Dairy Code
- K Proudfoot: Reducing the risk of lameness and hock lesions by improving cow comfort
- K Proudfoot: Special needs housing from the cow’s perspective
additional resource: OABP 2019 Down Cattle Management (Quick Guide)

2018: Whale Stranding
- Food for Thought: How we all kill whales (pdf) Dr. M Moore
- Interview with Dr. Michael Moore Sept 14 (CBC PEI Main Street, with host Angela Walker)
- Physical examination and assessment of cetaceans (pdf) Dr. A Ortenburger
- Live cetacean strandings, clinical management and response (pdf) Tonya Wimmer
- Cetacean euthanasia field guide (pdf) Drs. A Ortenburger and P-Y Daoust

2017: Feline Behaviour
Feline Social Behaviour and Inter-Cat Aggression – Dr. L Seibert
My Cat is Peeing All Over the House (Managing Feline House Soiling) – Dr. L. Seibert
My Cat is Grooming Himself Bald (Managing Feline Over-Grooming) – Dr. L Seibert
Welfare-Friendly Feline Practice – Drs. A Crook and K Ling

2015: Applied Equine Behaviour
- Demystifying the horse whisperer: Introduction to learning theory – Dr. Gemma Pearson, Equine Behaviour Service, Dick Vet Equine Hospital, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Utilizing learning theory in practice – Dr. Gemma Pearson
- Higher level equine cognition – Dr. Laurie McDuffee, Large Animal Surgery, Atlantic Veterinary College
- Application of learning theory to everyday veterinary practice – Dr. Gemma Pearson

2014: Mink Farming
Mink Health and Management-Related Diseases
Dr. Kirsti Rouvinen-Watt
Professor, Carnivore Nutrition and Physiology
Perspective of a Mink Veterinarian
Dave McHattie, DVM
Fur Farming and Other Intensive Animal Production: Reflections on the Role of the Veterinarian
Dr. James P. Goltz, Veterinary Pathologist and Chief Veterinary Officer, New Brunswick

2013: Companion Animal Behaviour

2012: Poultry Welfare
- Dr. Ian Duncan, Professor Emeritus and Emeritus Chair of Animal Welfare, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario: Commercial poultry production: Is there a welfare problem?
- Dr. Ian Duncan: Mental states, feelings, emotions in chickens—what science can tell us
- Dr. Ian Duncan CBC radio: Chickens have feelings too
- Dr. Michelle Jendral, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, NS: The welfare of laying hens housed in furnished cage systems
- John Duynisfeld, Holdanca Farms Ltd and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Nappan, NS: Challenges of alternative housing

2011: Lameness in Dairy Cattle
- Dan Weary, University of British Columbia: Lameness in Dairy Cattle
- Dr. Kip Lemke, Anesthesiology, Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI, Pain management in lame dairy cattle
- Dr. Shawn McKenna, Atlantic Veterinary College: Risk Factors and Prevalence of Lameness in Dairy Herds
- Dr. Shawn McKenna, Atlantic Veterinary College: Management of Lameness

2010: Exotic Pets
- Dr. Doug Whiteside, Calgary Zoo: Considerations when getting an exotic pet
- Dr. Marion Desmarchelier, Atlantic Veterinary College: Pain Management in small mammals, birds, and reptiles
- Dr. Stephane Lair, University of Montreal: Ethical considerations for veterinarians working with exotic pets
- Dr. Doug Whiteside, Calgary Zoo: Behavioural issues in small mammals, birds and reptiles

2009: Issues and Dilemmas in Animal Welfare
- Dr. Frank McMillan, Best Friends Animal Society: Maximizing quality of life in ill animals
- Drs. Hans Gelens and Pierre-Yves Daoust, Atlantic Veterinary College: Injured, sick or starving wildlife presented in practice
- Dr. Alice Crook, Atlantic Veterinary College: Animal abuse: when to report?
- Dr. Leigh Lamont, Atlantic Veterinary College: Chronic pain: its impacts on quality of life and strategies for management
- Dr. Frank McMillan: Special strategies for end-of-life care
- Dr. Carol Morgan, University of British Columbia: Welfare of hospitalized patients

2008: Fish and lobster welfare
- Dr. Lynne Sneddon, University of Liverpool: How important is pain to a fish?
- Dr. Larry Hammell, Atlantic Veterinary College: Fish welfare: Practical applications in salmon aquaculture
- Pete Southgate, Fish Vet Group: Welfare trends in global aquaculture practices
- Dr. David Speare, Atlantic Veterinary College: Welfare issues in ornamental fish
- Dr. Fred Whoriskey, Atlantic Salmon Federation: Welfare implications of angling
- Dr. Spencer Greenwood, Atlantic Veterinary College: Emerging issues in lobster welfare