Research & Integrated Projects Funded in 2025
Cusack L, Proudfoot K. Community perceptions of the role of veterinarians in multi-species welfare
Bernard P, Spears J, Bigelow L, Pope E. Identification and characterization of ultrasonic noise for the improvement of zoo animal welfare
Overall K, Martin C, Montelpare W, Vernick J. Understanding when normal and abnormal behaviours diverge – Using physiological and behavioral measures to define developmental trajectories for problematic behaviour. Part II: Physiology

Ongoing Research & Integrated Projects
Crane B, Proudfoot K, McKenna S. Behavioral evaluation of bulls during semen collection using electroejaculation and alternative techniques
Mellish M, Ritter C, VanLeeuwen J. Improving the welfare of working donkey harnesses in Meru County, Kenya, through participatory action research
Bernard P, Spears J, Bigelow L. The effect of common laboratory ultrasounds on rat behaviour and physiology
Saksida S, Fast M, Reynolds K, Whyte S. Environmental enrichment for stress reduction in land-based salmonid aquaculture
VanLeeuwen J, Hall D, Ritter C, Rao J, Muunda E. Motivations and cost-effectiveness of improved cow comfort on smallholder dairy production systems in Kenya
Cusack L, Proudfoot K, VanLeeuwen C. The impact of volunteering with a wildlife service on empathy in veterinary students
Overall K, Proudfoot K, Montelpare W, Martin C. Effects of early life experiences on later problematic behaviours in homeless, rescue shelter kittens
Stoughton WB, Bressan N. Development of an equine nasogastric intubation simulator as an aid or alternative to the use of animals in teaching