Funded or Partially Funded by the SJDAWC

Logan Bigelow (Working towards a PhD)

Supervisor:  P Bernard

Project:  Ultrasonic vocalizations analysis:  A non-invasive ethnologically relevant tool to asses home cage welfare in rats

Megan Ross (Working towards a MSc)

Supervisors:  C Ritter and K Proudfoot

Project:  Assessment and improvement of horse welfare on Prince Edward Island through benchmarking and a better understanding of horse caretakers’ decision making

Dr. Jennifer Vernick (Working towards a MSc)

Supervisors: K Overall and T Doucette

Project:  Effects of early life experiences on later problematic behaviours in homeless, rescue shelter kittens

Dr. Obianuju Joy Eze (Working towards a MSc)

Supervisor: M Cockram

Project: Identification of potential welfare issues in Nigeria and approaches to enhance animal welfare in Nigeria

Gustavo Dias (Working towards PhD)

Supervisor: K Proudfoot

Project: Factors that affect sleep in dairy calves

Wenxuan Ma (Working toward MSc)

Supervisor: K Proudfoot

Project:  The effect of sleep disruption on cognition in dairy calves