Progress and Final Report

  • Principal Investigators will be notified by the SJDAWC Admin. Assistant in November to submit a progress or final report that will be due in December.
  • Progress / Final Report Form

Post-Award Problems or Changes

  • If problems are encountered with a SJDAWC-funded project and modification of the objectives of the project are proposed, these problems together with the proposed changes must be reported in a progress report (see above).
  • Progress reports are normally due in December each year. However, if a problem arises earlier in the year, investigators must submit a progress report as soon as possible to request approval for the proposed changes.
  • Major changes to projects will require SJDAWAC Management Board approval. Please see our Grant Guidelines for more information.

Grant Extensions

  • This form is to be completed if a 1-year extension of a SJDAWC-funded project or an extension for information dissemination is required. Please only use this form if there is no progress or final report due within 2 months.
  • Requests for extensions may be subject to SJDAWC Management Board approval. Please see our Grant Guidelines for more information.
  • Grant Extension Form